Montana Petition To End ADAP Waiting Lists.


Hey friends,

I’m working with Project Inform to help with HIV Advocacy in the State of Montana. One of our projects is to work with Congress to increase ADAP (AIDS Drug Assistance Program) funding. Currently, there are over 9,200  people waiting for permanent funding to access these life-saving medications. 

We can do better. And your signatures can help make a difference.

Won’t you take a minute and sign the petition here? The letter to accompany the signatures is below.

Thank you- ten seconds can make a real difference.



Dear Chairman Rehberg:

The undersigned individuals and organizations in Montana are writing to urge your support for increased funding for AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) in the Fiscal Year 2012 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations bill.   ADAPs need at least a $106 million increase to continue to serve the thousands of new clients entering the programs every year.  As you are aware, ADAPs provide HIV-related medications to under insured and uninsured individuals living with HIV/AIDS in the United States. They are a lifeline for people who would otherwise be unable to get treatment they need to stay healthy and productive. We thank you for your past support for ADAP and are especially appreciative of the $50 million increase to ADAPs in Fiscal Year 2011. However, ADAP waiting lists continue to grow at an astronomical rate.

In January of this year, there were 4,200 people on waiting lists. As of August 26, 2011 the number more than doubled to 9,141people in 12 states – including 28 people in Montana – waiting for lifesaving medication. Nineteen ADAPs, including 11 with current waiting lists, have instituted additional cost containment measures since April 1, 2011 such as reduced formularies and enrollment caps. Additionally, ten ADAPs are considering implementing new or additional cost-containment measures by the end of ADAPs current fiscal year (March 31, 2012).

Because of your leadership role on the House Labor-HHS Appropriations Subcomittee, you are in a unique position to help secure this badly needed increase in ADAP funding to help people with HIV in Montana and around the country. While we understand the gravity of the U.S. fiscal situation, we need to ensure that people with HIV and AIDS receive the vital medications that keep them alive. Again we ask that you do everything possible to ensure an increase of at least $106 million to help solve this ADAP crisis.




6 comments on “Montana Petition To End ADAP Waiting Lists.

  1. Ann Buckner says:

    Dear Chairman Rehberg, Thank you for your efforts to provide health care for all people and all needs.

    Ann Buckner


  2. Mark Simonton says:

    Mark Simonton


  3. Erin Garlinghouse says:

    Dear Chairman, Rehberg. Your support for complete & timely health care for US residents of all ages, economic realities, gender, & need is important now & while you remain in public office.


  4. Jace Dyckman says:

    Dear Chairman Rehberg,
    It is crucial that we support those living with HIV. With so many cuts affecting the Social Justices of many living with HIV/AIDS, it is our responsability to maintain the health of those infected by keeping and expanding funding for ADAP and ensuring no one person living with HIV/AIDS is without the basic right of HIV medications. Not only is this basic health care, but is also prevention of future HIV infections among our tax paying citizens.
    Jace Dyckman
    1420 Ave C
    Billings, MT 59102


  5. […] Fact: See if you can guess where the 12 States who have waiting lists are located; if you guessed more or less the Old Confederacy, you get a cookie. Of the 9200 Americans on […]


  6. […] Fact: See if you can guess where the 12 States who have waiting lists are located; if you guessed more or less the Old Confederacy, you get a cookie. Of the 9200 Americans on […]


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